




Visa Application form  to Immigration bureau “Nyukan”
has been changed, these days. Please be careful!!

How to get Visa to JAPAN

Hello. Thank you for your visiting to my Website.
I’m Immigration Lawyer,  Kawazoe @Osaka, Japan.

This page is for foreigners who live in Japan and
who want to come and stay in Japan in the future.

Each country all over the world has its own legal system,
and immigration policy in it.  So does Japan.

In this website, I, as an immigration lawyer -Nyukan
Shinsei Toritsugi Gyoseishoshi-, explain Immigration Law
and Procedure to get visa to come and stay in Japan.

3 Ways to get Visa to Japan

COE – Certificate of Eligibility – Process

Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is the process for those
who comes into Japan from overseas.

The process typically goes like;

1. Find Employer or Guarantor in Japan

2. Apply for COE to Immigration bureau in Japan

3. Get COE from Immigration bureau in Japan

4. Apply for Entry Visa to Japan embassy in Overseas

5. Get Entry Visa from Japan embassy in Overseas

6. Entry into Japan and Get Immigraiton Status at Airport

* Correctly speaking, “Visa -Sasho-” and “Immigraiton
Status -Zairyushikaku- ”are different.
Visa is a kind of a recommendation to entry into Japan.
Immigration status is a certificate of your right to stay
in Japan.  But in this website, visa means both of them
for convenience

Change Visas Process

Change visa process is for foreigner who stay in Japan
with a specific visa (work, family, study, etc) to change
to another kind of visa after change his status or activity
while staying in Japan (EX: Study – Work).

What you have to do is:

1. Apply for Change Visa to immigration bureau in Japan

2. Get New kind of Visa from Immigration bureau in Japan

Extend Visa Process

Extend visa process if for foreigner who stay in Japan
with specific visa to extend the term (3months, 1year,
3yrs, 5yrs) before the expiration to stay longer in Japan.

What you have to do is:

1. Apply for Extend Visa to immigration bureau in Japan

2. Get Same Visa with new expiration date from immigraiton.

27 Types of Visas in Japan

There are 27 types of visa (immigaration status) in Japan.
All foreigner has to hold proper visa corresponding to
their activity or status for themselves.
Some examples are:

Visa to Work

International Service / Humanities - interpreter, office worker


Skilled Worker – Cook, Pilot, etc

Professor, Journalist, Others

* Bachelor Degree or 10yrs experience is required basically

Visa to start Business

Business manager / investor

Visa to stay with Family

Spouse and Children of Japanese

Family – Spouse and Children of Foreigner

Visa for Special Purpose

Temporary – Tour, Business Trip,

Special Activity – internship, etc

Long Term – foreigner of Japanese descent, etc

Permanent Residency  – basically 10yrs+ stay required

Naturalization – Change nationalities
* Correctly speaking Naturalization  is not
an immigration Process but a special process
to judicial bureau to get Japanese nationality.

Other process

Re-entry Permit

Part-time Job Permit

Certificate of Job qualification

Alien Registration

Japan Life support

International Marriage / heritage

Business Start-up

Child Education

Foreign Documents Translation / Certification

/////// Service Guide ////////

Immigration Lawyer Kawazoe office offers:

Consulting (TEL, Mail) Free
Consulting (Office) 6,000yen/H
Consulting (Visit) 10,000yen/H

Certificate of Eligibility  120,000yen
Change Visas 80,000yen
Extend Visa 40,000yen
Permanent Residency 150,000yen
Naturalization 200,000yen
* Consulting, Correcting and Making Application
form& Documents, Application and Contact to
Immigration bureau, English Translation including.

Re-entry Permit  10,000yen
Part-time Job Permit 20,000yen
Certificate of Job qualification 40-80,000yen
Alien Registration Support  10,000yen

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多文化共生社会をめざす For Muticultural Community
行政書士・川添国際法務事務所 Kawazoe Immigration Lawyer's Office
行政書士・法務博士 川添賢史 Kawazoe Satoshi, J.D.
1-25#701, Nishi-Kinya1, Hirakata, Osaka, 573-1192
TEL:072-805-3331 / FAX:072-805-3334
平日9:00~19:00(土日祝夜間・応相談) Holiday & Night, reservable

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